donderdag, juli 29, 2010

Roberto Cavalli, 40 years!

Have you heard about it guys?! Roberto Cavalli is 40 years in the fashion businnes, A-MA-ZI-NG! And Gisele Bünchen, the 30 year old model, was the model that was showing Roberto's clothing of the Fall/Winter of 2010. Gisele looks beautiful in the campagne, it was taking in the desert with a big fire in the back. I think the most beautiful piece of his collection is the white dress(?), it's the last photo in my blog.. What do you think about his collection?

zaterdag, juli 24, 2010

When she was a good girl ..

Lindsay Lohan isn't doing good things now, we all know that by now. She's using drugs, addicted to alcohol, she has to go to jail for like 90 days, or something (?)
But we also know that a couple of years ago she was a very cute, fun girl to look at! La Lohan was the girl with the freckles all over her beautiful face, and every girl wanted to be just like her! We al remember that, right? So here are some old photo's of Lindsay of when she was a good girl. So we can al remember that she was a good girl, because she definitely WAS a good girl but she's like 'gone bad' now. TO BAD LOHAN!

vrijdag, juli 23, 2010

Playboy or Fashion?

We all know Lara Stone, right? She's posing for the French Playboy on these photos.. But is it really for the Playboy or is it for a Fashionmagazine? Cause it doesn't look like she's taking 'sexy' poses for the Playboy.. Lara Stone is a beautiful model, but does she really had to do this? It looks like she was takin poses for another magazine then the Playboy, dont you think?
Its just not one of her best photoshoots ..


Just take a look at the outfit ..
Loving the heels, and the vest. It looks just beautiful with the white tanktop and ripped jeans.
The boys like this, it's so simple but yet sexy. So girls, go ahead! But those clothes and rock it just like Vanessa Hudgens did.

dinsdag, juli 20, 2010

When bad fake tan happens to good people ..

Wauw, what was she thinking? Megan Fox was a surprise presenter at VH1's Do Something! Awards last night and even more surprising was the color of her skin! She looks HOrrendous with all that fake tan! And that shiteous color dress doesn't help matters! ( )

maandag, juli 19, 2010


Do I need to say more? It looks so beautiful, the LBD, the Chanel bag, the slingback clogs, the black sunglasses and the jacket! I just LOVE this outfit

zaterdag, juli 17, 2010

Nomi Style

So, here are some pics of the collection of Nomi Style.. She's a very good designer and you can find her on Facebook 'Naomi Rosheuvel'. And yes, these are the 'backstage pics', you're the only one who can see this ahah! See it for yourself, and go to Naomi's Facebook! She's very good!
Remember, she's a Dutch designer and she rocks! aha
Love ..


Gosh, I cant sleep! It's 2AM and I'm still not sleeping grr! Tomorrow I have to go to my work, and I cant sleep. It's my first day so I cant be late! I'm not even tired, ughh.. ( I made a photo of myself cause I'm so bored aha.. and I always have a lot of Vaseline on my lips when I go to sleep, it helps my lips staying soft hihi! )Let's try some songs, maybe THEN I'll go to sleep.. Ahah goodnight! X

vrijdag, juli 16, 2010

This looks so nice..

Hii, here's my second blog! In this photo of Miley Cyrus she's wearing jeans shorts with boots, and I just love it! It's so simple, it's just what I like to see..
BTW: I've also ripped my jeans of, and it looks just the same! I'll post a photo of my jeans later..

donderdag, juli 15, 2010

Hii, my name is ..

Haai, 'k ben 'n nieuwe blogger! Aha, 'k ben super enthousiast en wil graag andere bloggers leren kennen. 'k weet nog niet precies hoe dit werkt, maar 'k doe m'n best en volgens mij ben 'k al aardig op weg! Ik wil mij graag even voorstellen, 'k heet namelijk Beverly Zafira Boer. 'k heb 'n super simpele kledingstijl en vind dat heel leuk. 'k vind 't natuurlijk ook heel leuk om al die meisjes en jongetjes te zien die zich helemaal inzetten voor mode, want dat is gewoon héel leuk vind 'k! Maar jammer genoeg vind 'k 't niet bij mijn persoonlijkheid passen. 'k vind mijn simpele kledingstijl iets meer bij mijzelf passen en wil dan ook foto's op mijn blog zetten en hoop dat jullie er ook iets aan hebben! Dus.. volg mij ( if u want to.. ) Want 'k zou dolgraag al mijn verhaaltjes, hebbe-dingetjes, troepjes, smul-dingetjes, gossip en van alles en nog wat hier neerzetten en 'k hoop dat jullie 't leuk vinden!
PS: jullie kunnen mij ook zeker toevoegen op Facebook onder de naam 'Beverly Zafira Boer'.
x Beverly